Sunday, 05.07 | 5-7PM
Parenting is challenging. You have countless things to manage, navigate, and maintain. You want to do your best to care for and meet the needs of your children which includes their mental health (and yours too). Sometimes you need the reminder that you can do this and you're not alone. Sometimes you need tools, resources, or someone to walk alongside you.
We've created a space for you! Join us for dinner, time to connect with other parents, and an opportunity to learn from nine therapists, counselors, and mental health professionals. You'll walk away with practical tools and resources to help you on your parenting journey.
The content of this evening will offer proactive parenting tools, as well as resources to help you through the midst of any kind of mental health challenge or crisis. It's the perfect night to invite your neighbors and friends.
This event is for parents of kids of all ages, or anyone who has influence with kids.