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In a world where burnout and exhaustion are on the rise, we can greatly benefit from practicing sabbath. Sabbath comes from the Hebrew word for rested which is Shabbat. It means to stop working. It’s one day out of the week where we stop, rest, delight, and worship.


This is something God models for us in Genesis 2:2 and we continue to see through both the Old and New Testament. Sabbath is not another to-do or something to evaluate, but a day to embrace freedom. Sabbath is a gift from God for our benefit.

There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. (Hebrews 4:9-10 NIV)

Sabbath is a main theme in the Bible. Check out this video from BibleProject, a nonprofit ed-tech organization and animation studio that produces 100% free Bible videos, podcasts, blogs, classes, and educational Bible resources to help make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere.

“The point of the Sabbath was (and still is) to honor the body’s need for rest, the spirit’s need for replenishment and the soul’s need to delight itself in God for God’s own sake.”

- Ruth Haley Barton


Look at your week and pick one day that realistically makes sense for you to practice sabbath. A day to stop working, lean into rest, do things that bring you joy, and commune with God.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I prepare in advance to both protect and honor my Sabbath?

  2. What activities bring me delight and how will I incorporate them?

  3. How did you feel after practicing Sabbath? Did you notice anything new or different?


Devotional Plans:

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