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This page will be updated weekly so check back again soon.

4.18.2024 Updates
We have a section missing in the side of our building! Don't worry it is for our future entrance . Construction continues with drywall starting on the Relish side of the demising wall. All of the Kids rooms are now framed and that space is really coming along. We now have the framing for our new stage in the auditorium and Our restrooms are also getting a facelift on the exterior and some interior changes for us to eventually add doors. Check out the updated pictures below!

What to expect in 2024:

We will be building out our permanent home in phases. To give you an idea of what is planned and what is included in our first phase we have a layout of where we are currently meeting in our building compared to our new layout. Ascent will be moving closer to the Post Office to both enter the building and meet. We have also included our rough floor plan and some ideas of what is coming! 


Our Building Team consists of:

Jerry Golden, John Friedery, John Goad, Leanne Duhon, Bob Bingham,

and Beth Lillstrom

Questions? Want more information? Beth would love to meet with you - please reach out to schedule a time

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