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(dinner included; childcare supplement available)

$15 per person

Register by February 21

Join us for dinner, time to connect with other parents, and a conversation about intentional parenting with video content from therapists, David Thomas & Sissy Goff. David and Sissy have been sitting with children and families as therapists at Daystar Counseling Ministries for over two decades. Through their counseling, podcast, and books and speaking, they've made it their life’s work to offer practical help and hope to families through their resources and experience. Intentional Parenting is born out of the countless conversations they've had with parents over the years. Conversations where they’re wanting to talk about how to be more consistent, patient, connected, balanced…in a word, more intentional with their children of all ages. You'll walk away with practical tools to be more patient, balanced, consistent, and connected. This event is perfect for inviting friends and neighbors!

Intentional Parenting Event Info (1).jpg

Sunday, February 25 | 5:00-7:30PM

Ascent Community Church

$15 per person

(dinner included; childcare supplement available)

Register by February 21

Have questions or want more information? Please reach out to us at

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