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God loves us and has generously given to us so in turn we are called to be generous and give to others through our time, talents and money.

Together we can make a difference For the good of our city.

Thank you for your interest in supporting Ascent Community Church. 

We encourage you to set up a giving plan or make a one time gift.
What We Believe

What We Believe

We believe becoming aware of all of the gifts God has given us and sharing our gifts with those around us is a significant step of faith in the journey of following Jesus, which is why Generous is a core value of Ascent. Generosity, just like people, comes in all shapes and sizes. There are many ways to express generosity in our community, including giving financially, volunteering your time, and simply being generous toward others.


We believe part of being a healthy family is transparency.

Ways You Can Give
Ways You Can Give

There are many way to give to Ascent, so choose what is best for you!

Ways to Give FAQs
Resources on Generosity
RESources on generosity

The BibleProject Video: Generosity

Sermons - 
From Ascent:
Make It Matter: With Your Finances

From Generous Giving:
John Tyson - Embark

Stories -  
From Generous Giving:
The Brennemans Family Story


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